Ward's® Investigating Groundwater Concepts Lab Activity

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470012-608KT 255.59 USD
Ward's® Investigating Groundwater Concepts Lab Activity
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Six Activities to Examine Groundwater Movement and Contamination

  • Use a model to demonstrate groundwater flow
  • Discuss various methods of environmental remediation
Students test a variety of simulated well water samples to determine the source and extent of contamination, and then explore cleanup procedures. To view the movement of groundwater and its contamination, they set up a groundwater model and use a simulated colored pollutant. Students will learn about water quality, the water cycles, soil porosity and its effect on groundwater movement, the sources of pollution, health hazards of concentrated contaminants in the ppm and ppb range, and contamination of groundwater and natural purification techniques. The kit includes enough materials for ten setups, a teacher’s guide, and student copymaster.