HOBO® Water Level Data Logger, Bluetooth-Enabled

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MX2001-01-SS MX2001-01-TI MX2001-02-SS MX2001-03-SS MX2001-04-SS MX2001-04-TI CABLE-RWL-010 CABLE-RWL-015 CABLE-RWL-030 CABLE-RWL-5.0
470323-356EA 884.29 USD
470323-356 470323-360 470323-364 470323-368 470323-372 470323-376 470324-406 470324-408 470324-410 470324-416
HOBO® Water Level Data Logger, Bluetooth-Enabled
Data Loggers
Wireless setup and download via bluetooth technology. Lowers the cost of field data collection by providing wireless access to high-accuracy water level and temperature data.

  • Wireless data offload to mobile devices or windows computers via bluetooth
  • Integrated barometric pressure sensor enables direct water level readout
  • Available with stainless steel or titanium sensor ends
  • 3-point NIST-traceable calibration certificate included for the water pressure sensor
Consists of a top-end unit and a water level sensor, which are sold as a set, plus a direct-read cable to connect them.

Accessories information: The direct read cable provides the connection between the MX2001 logger's top-end unit and water level sensor. Cables can be ordered in lengths from 0.2 - 500 M for deployment in a wide range of wells. Kevlar reinforced cable suspends sensor, and provides sensor communication and power. Two o-rings in each connector ensure a long-term waterproof seal. Cables are easy to attach or change. Integrated strain relief provides support for long cables.
The locking well cap provides convenient mounting for HOBO loggers in wells. Used with the HOBO MX2001 it supports the logger at the top of the well for optimal wireless transmission range. Mounts on standard 5 cm (2") PVC and steel wells. Includes mounting disk with bolt for suspending MX2001 loggers or suspension cables. ¹/₈" vent hole. Easy tap-on installation without glue or screws. Heavy duty Nylon construction with UV protection. Can be secured with standard #1 padlock.

Ordering information: Requires HOBOconnect and a direct read cable (CABLE-DR-XXX). The HOBOconnect mobile app is available as a free download from the Apple App Store, Google Play or the Onset website.





Item # Description Unit Availability Price Quantity
470324-716 Well cap, 5 cm (2")
Each Retrieving