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"Environmental Educational Videos"

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This program explores the automotive industry’s move towards greener cars and the need for cities to balance cycling, public transport and cars within their overall infrastructure. So let’s take a look at the transportation industry. Find out how to build a city around public transportation & the

Item Number:  (470330-816)
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A fascinating documentary that shines a light on global scientific and environmental issues.Can we save one of the world's largest freshwater lakes? This program reveals how a perfect storm of agriculture, hydro practices, sewage run-off, flooding and marsh destruction have devastated Lake Winnipeg

Item Number:  (470330-830)
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Hang on as our adventure team zip lines their way through the trees and science of understanding forest management and related ecosystems. They explore from high canopies all the way to the leaf litter to uncover the lifecycle or Wisconsin's recyclable forests. Along the way, they team up with expe

Item Number:  (470330-884)
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Another way to look at how sustainability works is through Einstein’s Law of thermodynamics as it relates to the basic laws of nature and physics. Einstein knew that matter can be converted into energy and energy converted into matter. An important concept there is that energy can neither be create

Item Number:  (470330-892)
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Did you know that not everyone with a career in agriculture drives a tractor? There are a large variety of careers that support farming in Wisconsin! This program highlights four careers related to the field of agriculture and production of the leading US export, soy. Each one of these careers a

Item Number:  (470330-898)
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Join our adventure team as they wade into the murky science of understanding our wetlands workings and ecosystems. They paddle, splash and probe their way across various wetlands to discover the water cycles, ecology and human influences that impact Wisconsin wetlands. So come on, it’s time to roll

Item Number:  (470330-882)
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Are trees plants? Are they worth more as lumbar or as living things? Hosts, Josh and Caroline, help you discover the variety of benefits that plants offer to help you make your own value-based decision about the role trees and plants play in our lives. The science sleuths investigate how plants can

Item Number:  (470330-894)
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Lace up your hiking boots as we explore the mysteries both big and small along Wisconsin’s scenic Ice Age Trail. From east to west, we'll hike with experts on different sections of this 1000-mile trail to discover glacial mysteries such as drumlins, moraines, eskers, kames, potholes and kettles. We

Item Number:  (470330-886)
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Our team of science investigators get their feet wet with the challenge of discovering where clean water comes from and all the people and science involved in the process of making it safe to drink. ITO Mission Control pulls out the hi-tech bag of tricks in sending the team of “water investigators”

Item Number:  (470330-862)
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It’s time to recycle your thinking & change your habits. Did you ever wonder where your old tires, cars and computers end up? Go behind the scenes at a local recycling facility to find out. Why has our planet become a garbage dump? Learn how our garbage is extracted, produced, distributed, consume

Item Number:  (470330-822)
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How can we better conserve and live sustainably? Learn how to find sustainable furniture, find green items on EBay and even how to green your website. Get a behind the scenes look at how we define waste and value. Making environmentally good choices when furnishing your home is easier than you th

Item Number:  (470330-820)
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Keep up with our young scientists as they embark on one of the biggest adventures of their lives in The Amazing Eco-Trek Race. Josh, Caroline, Emma, and Jacob begin a gauntlet of physical and mental tests where they are scored on how they face challenges in four environments across Wisconsin. From

Item Number:  (470330-888)
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Every one of us uses wood products every single day. So how do we balance the needs of us humans with the forests that provide us with wood? Discover how forests can provide humans with countless resources and animals with places to live and see how forests can be managed in a sustainable way.

Item Number:  (470330-900)
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What impacts do polluted waterways and aquifers have on people and natural ecosystems? How can new concepts in land use hold promise to help solve water woes? Discover the science of water pollution. Find out what can be done by whom to save lakes threatened by toxic cyanobacteria, how some botanic

Item Number:  (470330-864)
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Almost all of the foods we eat contain soybean-based products. So how do farmers involved wihtthe soybean industry make sure that they are positively impacting the environment, economy and communities while providing humans with the food they need? Our hosts ask a variety of experts to help them

Item Number:  (470330-896)
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More than ever, people are searching for ways to become more sustainable in their homes, communities and as citizens of Planet Earth. In Sensible Sustainable Solutions, our "green team" travel around the countryside exploring sustainable options and solutions to healthier lives, lands and waters.

Item Number:  (470330-872)
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