Kit Birth defects and folic acid single kit for one student or group, Core Concepts: The development of the nervous system begins early in a pregnancy, Prenatal testing may indicate abnormalities in the development process.
Single student or group, Learn about the effects of mercury poisoning on the brain, Model the flow of toxins and energy through an ecosystem's food chains and food webs, Develop the concept of biological magnification for environmental toxins.
Kit Refill Pack Birth defects and folic acid refill, kit contains: 1 Quick Guide for refilling kit, 3 graduated transfer pipets, 10 AFP Test Strip, 15 ml of Anita's Blood Serum, 5 ml of Amniotic Fluid, 5 ml of AFP Indicator
Birth defects and folic acid unassembled kit, supplies for 10 students or groups, Core Concepts: The development of the nervous system begins early in a pregnancy, Prenatal testing may indicate abnormalities in the development process.