Spectrophotometer 20Nm, Bandpass Complete, With 10 Mm Test Tube Cuvettes, 10Mm Square Cuvette Adapter,USB Port, Dust Cover, User Manual Wavelength Range Of 335-1000 Nm, with round tubes
RSpec Explorer* Digital Spectrometer, simple to setup and easy to use, Position it on your lab table one or two meters from your light source, with Camera, Spectrometer Software, Connects via USB, Adjustable Tripod, Dark colored stand used as a background
Go Direct* SpectroVis* Plus Spectrophotometer, quickly measures a full wavelength spectrum, Wavelength Range: 380 nm-950 nm, Support for fluorescence: Two excitation sources centered at 405 nm and 500 nm, Dimensions: 16 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm