Quake! Epicenters and Magnitude Lab Activity

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470004-064EA 41.15 USD
470004-064 470140-306 470190-672 470328-400
Quake! Epicenters and Magnitude Lab Activity
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Where Did The Earth Quake Originate?

  • Aligned with National Standards
  • Teacher developed
  • Aligned to NGSS standards (MS/HS: ESS2)
Students determine the location of the epicenter and the magnitude of different earthquake events using data collected from seismograms. Using measurements they take from the seismograms, a travel-time curve, and a compass, students use a technique called triangulation to locate the epicenter of two earthquakes. They also use data derived from these seismograms to determine magnitude according to Richter and Mercalli scales. ESS2: Earths's System is employed in the activity from the Framework Science Standards.

This kit has been aligned with all published National Standards. Pre- and Post-laboratory assessments and vocabulary words all target specific Science and Engineering Practices and common core standards. The teacher guide also contains specific "Did You Know" concepts that link the real world with the scientific standards explored. A student copymaster is also included. This kit includes enough materials for 30-60 students working individually or in groups. The materials in this kit will accomodate 12 groups.

The kit is also available for purchase with a link to a NewPath digital lesson, which includes a variety of resources on the topic, including background information, illustrations and self-assessments.

Ordering information: Activity contents include 2 Packages of student maps, 11"X17", package of 30, 1 Class map, 24"X36", 4 Packages, colored pencils, package of 12, 1 Package of safety compass, package of 12, and Teacher's Guide and Student Guide.

These activities require two class periods.