What kind of bacteria is it?

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What kind of bacteria is it?
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
In this lab activity, students identify an unknown bacterial sample using gross examination, cell morphology, and biochemical tests with Becton-Dickenson EnteroPluri Tubes. 

  • Identification Tests Used in Real-World Laboratories
  • Kit Employs NGSS Life Science DCI LS1
  • Pre and Post-Laboratory Assessments Included
  • Estimated Lab Time: Two Lab Periods, 45 Minutes Each
  • Assessments and Vocabulary Words Target Common Core Standards
This kit is aligned with all published National Standards. Pre and post-laboratory assessments and vocabulary words target specific Science and Engineering Practices and Common Core standards.

The teacher guide contains specific “Did You Know” concepts that link the real world with the scientific standards explored.

Ordering information: This kit includes 5 slides of Gram-stained mixed bacteria, 5 color-reaction key cards/EnteroPluri score sheets, 1 CCIS (EnteroPluri interpretation guide), 5 EnteroPluri tubes, and 1 coupon redeemable for 5 plates of bacteria to be used as "unknown" samples. A compound microscope, a 100x oil-immersion lens, and an incubator are needed but not included. These products contain living or perishable materials. Please specify a delivery date. Bacterial and fungal cultures are restricted and can be ordered only by educational and research professionals.