Science Take-Out® Plants In A Bottle: Photosynthesis And Respiration

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STO-144 STO-144U STO-144R STO-144-NOTG
470219-838EA 20.4 USD
470219-838 470219-840 470219-842 470219-839
Science Take-Out® Plants In A Bottle: Photosynthesis And Respiration
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Plant Learning Activities
How Do Environmental Conditions Affect Oxygen Production And Use?

  • Available As A Single Kit With Materials For 1 Student Or Group
  • Unassembled 10 Pack For Additional Savings
  • No Additional Equipment Needed
Conduct simulated oxygen and carbon dioxide tests to investigate the amounts of oxygen produced and used by aquatic plants under various environmental conditions. Test simulated water samples from bottles that contained plants exposed to different light levels. Collect and analyze data from a controlled experiment to determine how photosynthesis and cellular respiration affect the oxygen concentration. This complete experiment setup contains all materials and does not require lab equipment.