X–Ray Physics

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470220-122KT 40022.99 USD
X–Ray Physics
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Waves and Oscillations Learning Activities
This kit includes five different experiments exploring X-rays.

  • Five Experiments Included
  • Students Confirm the Wave Nature of X-rays and Investigate Diffraction
  • Five Physics Topics Covered
  • Subjects Included Bragg Reflection, Moseley's Law, and More
  • X-Ray Apparatus Included
To confirm the wave nature of X-rays, students investigate the diffraction of the characteristic Kα and Kβlines of the molybdenum anode at an NaCl monocrystal and explain these using Bragg's law of reflection. They record the energy spectrum of the X-ray apparatus as a function of the high voltage and the emission current using a Goniometer in the Bragg configuration. The aim is to investigate the spectral distribution of the continuum of bremsstrahlung radiation and the intensity of the characteristic lines. Students also measure how the limit wavelength λmin of the continuum of bremsstrahlung radiation depends on the high voltage U of the X-ray tube.

Each of the experiments explores a different part of X-ray physics such as Bragg reflection, investigating the energy spectrum of an X-ray tube as a function of the high voltage and the emission current, the Duane-Hunt relation and determination of Planck's constant, edge absorption, and Moseley's Law and determination of the Rydberg constant.

Ordering information: This kit includes an X-ray apparatus; X-ray tube; goniometer; end-window counter with cable for alpha, beta, gamma and X-rays; and set of absorber foils. A PC with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 (x86 or x64) is required.