X–Ray and Tomography

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X–Ray and Tomography
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Waves and Oscillations Learning Activities
Five different experiments exploring X–rays and tomography.

  • Includes all major components
  • Investigate computed tomogram
In 1963 and 1964 Allan Cormack published the theoretical foundations of computer tomography in the Journal of Applied Physics. In 1972 the first computed tomographic scanner was built by Godfrey Hounsfield who, together with Allan Cormack, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1979. The basic idea of computerized tomography is the illumination of an object by X-rays from numerous different angles.

Our educational X-RAY APPARATUS (preferred with W TUBE or AU TUBE) allows the illumination of objects by X-rays. The resulting 2D-projections are visualized at the fluorescence screen. These projections have a relatively low intensity. Therefore a camera of high sensitivity has to be used to record the various projections. Such a camera is implemented in the COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY MODULE.

Each of the experiments explores a different part of X–Ray Physics:
1. Measurement and presentation of a computed tomogram with the computed tomography module
2. Computed tomography of simple geometrical objects with the computed tomography module
3. Medical basics of computed tomography with the computed tomography module
4. Determining absorption coefficients and Hounsfield units with computed tomography with the computed tomography module
5. Computed tomography of biological samples with the computed tomography module
Required but not included: PC with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (x86 or x64)

X-ray apparatus
Computed tomography module
Phantom, 3D
LEGO® Adapter
X-ray tube Au