3-D Educcards

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69132 69142
470221-210EA 12.69 USD
470221-210 470221-212 470221-214 470221-216 470221-218 470221-220 470221-222
3-D Educcards
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Optics Learning Activities
Brings images to life.

  • Augmented reality book Free app available
EduCards bring the topic to life in your hands. Each card contains a detailed photograph on the front and facts on the reverse side to learn more about the topic. When you point your device to the picture on the front of the card you will see it come to life and move! Each set has 10 cards.

Minimum requirements: Suitable for most Android devices running on Android OS 2.2 and greater and the following iOS devices: iPad 2 and later, iPad mini, iPhone 4/4S, 5 or 3GS running latest OS and the iPod Touch 4th gen or later.