STEM Explorations: RollerCoaster

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470224-150KT 96.25 USD
STEM Explorations: RollerCoaster
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Applied Physics Learning Activities
Explore STEM concepts while building a working Roller Coaster!

  • The Experiment Guide is aligned to national STEM standards
  • Appropriate for grade levels 5-9
  • Requires 2 "AA" batteries, not included
Using the materials included in this set, middle-school aged children will be engaged and energized as they further their knowledge and understanding of the science, technology, engineering and math concepts associated with a real-life amusement park ride. The set includes over 500 parts plus a battery-powered motor for a single child or team of 2-3 children to build a working Roller Coaster, plus 2 additional models: a Ramp and a Half-Pipe (each model can be built one at a time). Once built, a downloadable booklet guides students through 3 hands-on, inquiry-based experiments on each of the models. Students will learn about the relationship between time, distance and speed plus much more!