Innovating Science® Periodic Table - Non metals, Metals, and Metalloids

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IS2524 IS1504
470228-178KT 74.75 USD
470228-178 470329-578
Innovating Science® Periodic Table - Non metals, Metals, and Metalloids
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
What is that Element?

  • Investigate physical and chemical properties of various elements
  • Aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
In this introductory laboratory, students will investigate how each element on the periodic table has unique physical and chemical properties that allows for them to be classified as either a nonmetal, metal or metalloid. Students explore the unique characteristics of different elements such as color, luster, overall appearance, malleability, conductivity and various chemical reactions in order to categorize elements into groups and eventually make generalizations about the properties of metals, nonmetals and metalloids.

Ordering information: Materials needed but not supplied: Test tube racks, hammers (or similar), Masking tape and pens or markers (for labeling test tubes).

Delivery information: Materials included in the kit are aluminum pellets, carbon pellets, zinc pellets, silicon pellets, sulfur pieces, copper pieces, magnesium pieces, 1.0 M hydrochloric acid, 0.1 M copper(II) chloride, test tubes, plastic pipettes, nails.