NeuLog Viewer Graphic Color Display Module

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470137-438EA 222.15 USD
NeuLog Viewer Graphic Color Display Module
Data Loggers
Run experiments without a PC.

  • Automatic recognition of sensors
  • Communicates with all the sensors or one at a time
  • Controls each sensor’s range and measurement units
  • Internal charging circuit is incorporated
  • Mode to view sensor values in real time – up to five at a time
  • Automatic power-off for longer battery life
The graphic user displays the sensor’s measurements in digital and graphical forms. It can also be used to program the sensor’s experiment setup as well as viewing the input from up to five sensors at a time.This module has a user-friendly design with a color graphic display and touch screen.

The VIEW-101 can be connected to a chain of sensors ending with the battery module connected to the last sensor of the chain. This enables both setting up and analyzing the collected data. Remote connection is also possible by plugging an RF communication module RF-200 into it and another into the sensor or sensor chain.When the VIEW-101 receives power, it starts scanning and identifies the connected sensors. The located sensors are displayed on the left side of the screen.

Caution: For educational use only.