Neulog Gas Kit

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470229-966KT 115.1 USD
Neulog Gas Kit
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Hardware to do NeuLog experiments about gas laws.

  • Allows for study of gas pressure as a function of volume, gas pressure as a function of temperature, linear fitting on a graph, and extrapolation
The Neulog Gas Kit provides all of the necessary tools to study gas pressure as a function of volume, gas pressure as a function of temperature, linear fitting on a graph, and extrapolation (when used in conjunction with a pressure logger sensor and temperature logger sensor - NOT included).

Ordering information: Includes gas study device (55 ml volume), three perforated rubber stoppers, non-perforated rubber stopper, 50 ml syringe, three candles, and activities.
Neulog sensors required (NOT INCLUDED): Pressure logger sensor, temperature logger sensor.

Caution: For educational use only.