Density Cubes - lead free

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470230-034EA 57.4 USD
Density Cubes - lead free
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Properties of Matter Learning Activities in Physics
Density Cubes, Set of 4 Metals with Hooks, 1.26" (32 mm) sides, lead free.

  • Set includes: (1) Brass Cube, (1) Aluminum Cube, (1) Copper Cube, (1) Steel Cube
  • Each cube is approximately 3 cm per side, hooks are permanently attached
  • Great for studying density and specific heat without the use of lead
  • Instructions available online
  • Each cube comes in an individual bag and all 4 cubes are placed in a cardboard box
This versatile set is ideal for studying density and specific heat without using lead.  A block of brass, copper, aluminum, and steel are included in the kit along with a complete instruction manual that gives background on density, specific gravity, and specific heat and contains three student activities with capture sheets and a lab practical quiz.  Each mass is 32mm cubed.  The hook on top of the cubes makes it easy to measure mass using a spring scale as well as easy to add and remove masses from boiling water for specific heat experiments.