Moment of Force Apparatus

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470230-132EA 73.3 USD
Moment of Force Apparatus
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Mechanics Learning Activities
Wooden moment of force apparatus with accessories.

  • Demonstrates the relationship between moment of force, the amount of force and the length of the lever arm
  • Students will observe the law of torque for various centers of rotation
  • Great tool for visual and hands on demonstrations for students
This apparatus shows the relationship between moment of force, the amount of force and the length of the lever arm. By simply adjusting weights fitted on a meter stick lever to establish equilibrium, students will observe the law of torque for various centers of rotation, compare clockwise and counter-clockwise torques, measure various lever arms, and calculate torque. Consists a meter stick, three knife edge clamps, an aluminum support, two mass hangers, eight slotted masses from 1 - 500 g and storage rack.