Vydac 218MS C18, HPLC Columns

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218MS5C0130 218MS5.515 218MS1022 218GK52MS/N 218MS101 218MS1010 218MS510 218GK104MS/N 218GD52MS/N 218GD32MS/N 218MS52 218MS5405 218MS5.07505 218GK54MS/N 218GD51/N 218MS5210 218MS5C0150 218MS5215 218GK51MS 218MS5402 218MS5115 218MS104 218MS5120 218MS5.07510 218GD104MS/N 218GK51/N 218MS5.505 218MS5.310 218MS5.305 218MS15204 218MS5415 218MS5.525 218GK34MS/N 218MS5.510 218MS5410 218MS53 218MS5202 218MS5.07515 218GK32MS/N 218GD34MS/N 218MS5C0110 218GD51MS/N 218MS5.315FS 218MS5205 218MS5.325 218MS51 218MS5310 218MS54 218MS102215 218GD54MS/N 218MS5.07525 218MS5105 218MS5.315 218MS5110
75798-072 76398-068 75798-078 75798-076 75798-074 75799-080 75799-082 75799-088 75831-408 75831-204 75831-404 75799-086 75831-200 75798-062 75831-400 75798-060 75798-068 75798-066 75798-064 75799-092 75799-094 75799-090 75799-058 75799-096 75798-050 75798-058 75798-054 75798-052 75799-060 75799-102 75799-068 75831-424 75799-062 75831-420 75812-972 75812-970 75812-976 75799-104 75812-974 75799-106 75798-044 76398-074 75798-042 76398-072 76398-070 75799-070 75799-072 75830-784 75798-038 75799-078 75831-416 75799-074 75831-412 75799-076
Vydac 218MS C18, HPLC Columns
Chromatography Columns
Vydac MS columns are a later development from Grace for the reversed phase HPLC separation of biomolecules.

  • Five reversed-phase chemistries
  • Excellent peak shape with little or no TFA
  • High protein recoveries make scale-up easy
  • USP L1
Polymeric bonding, highest hydrophobic interaction and unique geometric selectivity. Use for simple enzymatic digests (<12 proteins) or biomolecules 0 to 5k MW.

A proprietary surface treatment and bonding process give Vydac MS columns unique selectivity. A variety of reversed phases makes this product line suitable for the analysis of small peptides to large intact, undenatured proteins.

Vydac is a registered trademark of W.R.Grace and Co.