Crazy Circuits Sets

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K1016 K1018
470234-670EA 55.9 USD
470234-670 470234-674
Crazy Circuits Sets
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Applied Physics Learning Activities
Create your own brick-based electronics projects in minutes with these Crazy Circuits sets.

  • Design your own projects from scratch, or follow one of our many project guides
  • Compatible with LEGO™ and similar brick building systems
  • No soldering or special tools required
Use the included brick baseplates, or add Crazy Circuits parts to any LEGO project to make it light up! These kits come 100% ready to go out of the box, which means no soldering or special equipment needed. They cover topics such as circuitry, programming, logic, design, art, and design. Detailed directions, project guides, educational resources, and videos can be found online.

The Makerspace set has everything you need to get an entire classroom creating projects with Crazy Circuits. Use the bit boards and robotics boards to control servo motors and add functionality. Create wearable technology using the conductive thread.

Ordering information: Starter set includes:
(10) Jumbo 10 mm LEDs (red, amber, green, blue, white); (5) CR2032 batteries; (2) coin cell battery holders; (2) pushbutton switches; (1) slide switch; (1) roll of conductive maker tape – ¹/₈"×5 m; (1) brick baseplate (8×16 studs); (1) plastic organizer; instructional cards.
Makerspace set includes:
(65) LEDs (red, amber, green, blue, white); (50) CR2032 batteries; (10) coin cell battery holders; (15) switches; (10) screw terminals; (10) brick baseplates (8×16 studs); (10) rolls of conductive maker tape – ¹/₈"×5 m; (8) LEGO-compatible servo motors and connector pieces; (6) USB cables; (5) robotics arduino boards; (5) NeoPixel LED strips; (5) ribbon cables; (5) piezoelectric speakers; (5) potentiometers; (5) 2AAA battery holders; (5) spools conductive thread; (2) bundles of 5 alligator clip jumper wires; (1) bit board; (1) Micro:bit; (2) plastic organizers; instructional cards.





Item # Description Unit Availability Price Quantity
470234-668 Conductive thread
Each Retrieving
470234-664 Conductive maker tape, ⅛" × 5 m
Each Retrieving