Mother of All Experiments: Exploring Human Origins by PCR of Mitochondrial DNA

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Mother of All Experiments: Exploring Human Origins by PCR of Mitochondrial DNA
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Genetics Learning Activities
Let your students isolate, amplify and visualize their own Mitochondrial DNA.

  • Students isolate and analyze their own DNA
  • Total time (with stop-points) approximately 4 hours
  • Perishable component refills available
In this experiment, students will isolate their mitochondrial DNA and use the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to amplify two separate regions of the mitochondrial genome. Results are analyzed using agarose gel electrophoresis.

Time Required: Extraction - 50 min; PCR Setup - 10 min; PCR - 2 hours; Electrophoresis - 1 hour; Staining - 5 min to overnight.

Additional items needed but not included: Electrophoresis equipment, Thermal Cycler, 50 µl micropipettes; Light box, 2 water baths, microcentrifuge, microwave/hot plate.

Ordering information: Kit will ship immediately upon ordering. Please call to place your order if you would like to specify a future date for shipment.

Caution: Some components require Freezer storage upon receipt.