Edvotek BactoBeads™ Lyophilized Bacteria

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160BACTOBEADS 161-BC 726 728 729 741 743 953-252
470330-999EA 111.3 USD
470330-999 470331-000 470331-002 470331-004 470331-006 470331-008 470331-010 470331-012 470331-018
Edvotek BactoBeads™ Lyophilized Bacteria
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Microbiology Learning Activities
Place one BactoBead™ on an agar plate, watch it dissolve, and streak for isolated colonies.

  • Quick and convenient
  • Non-pathogenic lyophilized bacteria
BactoBeads™ absorb moisture quickly so keep the vial closed and refrigerated when not in-use. Reconstitute only what you need when you need it.

Store vial containing unused beads in refrigerator in a zip-top bag with desiccant.

Ordering information: Items ship immediately upon ordering. Please call to specify a future shipping date.

Caution: Do not store in a refrigerator with food for human or animal consumption. Follow all safety guidelines in the package.