HOBO® Dissolved Oxygen Data Logger

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470323-422EA 1631.39 USD
HOBO® Dissolved Oxygen Data Logger
Data Loggers
This precision, self-contained data logger is ideal for measuring concentrations of oxygen in lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters.

  • Affordable, high performance dissolved oxygen (DO) monitoring with 0.2 mg/L accuracy
  • Optical DO sensor technology for long-lasting calibration with less maintenance
  • HOBOware® Pro's Dissolved Oxygen Assistant software corrects for measurement drift from fouling; provides salinity-adjusted DO concentrations and percent saturation
  • Optical USB interface for high-speed, reliable data offload
  • User-replaceable DO sensor cap eliminates need to send logger back to the factory to replace membrane
This affordable and precise data logger is recommended for aquatic biology and hydrology research projects. The data logger records up to 21700 sets of dissolved oxygen and temperature measurements, and the logger utilizes optical dissolved oxygen sensor technology for long-lasting calibration with less maintenance.

Ordering information: This logger requires HOBOware® Pro software and either a U-DTW-1 Waterproof Shuttle or the Base-U-4 Optic USB Base Station for configuration and data offload. For more information on required software (not included), contact your Avantor representative.

Delivery information: Includes data logger, dissolved oxygen sensor cap, protective guard, calibration boot with sponge.