HOBO® Water Level Data Loggers

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U20-001-01 U20-001-01-TI U20-001-02 U20-001-02-TI U20-001-03 U20-001-03-TI U20-001-04 U20-001-04-TI
470323-394EA 702.9 USD
470323-394 470323-396 470323-398 470323-400 470323-402 470323-404 470323-406 470323-408
HOBO® Water Level Data Loggers
Data Loggers
The HOBO® water Level data logger features high accuracy at a great price and ease-of-use, with no cumbersome vent tubes or desiccants to maintain.

  • Lightning protection - no long signal wires, and electronics are shielded in stainless steel housing for use in freshwater (see the Water Level logger sensor location drawing)
  • HOBOware Pro software provides easy conversion to accurate water level reading, fully compensated for barometric pressure (see demo) temperature, and water density
  • Multiple-rate sampling (see demo) allows faster sampling at critical times such as when pumping starts or stops
  • Available in 4 depth ranges
  • Ideal for use in wells, streams, lakes, wetlands and tidal areas
  • No-vent-tube design for easy reliable deployment
  • Available in stainless and titanium versions
  • Durable ceramic pressure sensor
  • 3-point NIST-traceable calibration certificate included
This data logger is ideal for recording water levels and temperatures in shallow wells, streams, lakes and freshwater wetlands. For saltwater deployments, such as brackish wetlands and tidal areas, see HOBO® U20 Water Level Titanium.

Ordering information: This logger requires HOBOware Pro software and either a waterproof shuttle or the optic USB base Station for configuration and data offload. For more information on required HOBOware software (not included), contact your Avantor representative.