Innovating Science® Cellular Respiration - What Sugar does Yeast Like Best?

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IS1510 IS3012
470330-514EA 20.05 USD
470330-514 470343-488
Innovating Science® Cellular Respiration - What Sugar does Yeast Like Best?
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Learn about how yeast may use different options for energy production.

  • Students will expose living yeast cells to three potential food sources and determine the effectiveness of the food sources
  • Aligned to NGSS Practices
  • Performance expectations: HS-LS1-7, HS-LS2-3
  • Cross cutting concepts include energy and matter
  • Engineering practices include developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations
In this experiment you will expose living yeast cells to three different sugars. The sugars used will be glucose, sucrose, and lactose. When living yeast cells are exposed to these sugars, the cells should begin to utilize the sugars as a food source if they are capable of metabolizing them. Upon using the sugars, the yeast cells will begin to engage in aerobic respiration and/or fermentation.

This lab allows students to understand that yeast may use different options for energy production. Students will expose living yeast cells to three different potential food sources and use a pH indicator to indirectly determine the effectiveness of three different sugars as a food source for yeast. Kit contains enough materials for 15 groups.

Delivery information: Instructor's Manual and SDS included.