Geoblox Petroleum Game

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470346-724EA 30.39 USD
Geoblox Petroleum Game
Educational Materials Earth Science Educational Materials Natural Resources Learning Activities
Geoblox models provide a multi-learning approach to help students understand concepts and structures from the inside out as they build their own models.

  • Basic background information on petroleum geology
  • Detailed game instructions
  • Six easy to assemble models included
Geoblox Petroleum Game is designed to teach about geology in an engaging way by playing a game! Student teams use play money to buy geologic cross section, maps, and well logs in order to locate the petroleum reserves. Without enough play money to buy all of the information at once, students will have to use critical thinking skills to decide where to drill for oil. When they strike oil, they make play money that can be used to search for more oil.

This is a spiral bound booklet designed to be used as a copy master to produce enough maps and model patterns for your entire class. You can also enlarge the patterns to use them as demonstration models.

Ordering information: Models do not come preassembled. Students and educators are meant to use the patterns and instructions in the booklet to construct the models for educational purposes. Constructed models can then be used as a permanent classroom display. Five topographic models, sixteen paper models, and one activity included.