Ward's® Live Brown Planaria (Dugesia dorotocephala)

Avg. Ratings: 5.0 (1 Review)

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Educator / Teacher and parent / Edmonton, AB
Yes, I recommend
We received our shipment today and I am very happy with the quality of the planaria and the speed of delivery. All of our specimens arrived alive and were very well packaged. I can’t get an accurate count, but we got about 60-70 planaria. These are for my daughter’s science fair project, and she is thrilled to have gotten such a healthy and abundant supply. I will recommend this to my teacher friends as well as other parents whose kids have a love of science. My experience with Boreal Science has been excellent. Thanks so much!
SARGENTWELCH.com associate Published 08/21/2022
Thanks for letting us know! We're happy to hear about your experience.
470176-558CS 199.95 USD
Ward's® Live Brown Planaria (Dugesia dorotocephala)
Specimens Live Specimens Animals - Living Material
This is the most widely studied Turbellarian, a free-living flatworm commonly used in science fair projects.

  • Students Research Structure, Feeding Habits, Responses to Environmental Stimuli, and Regeneration
  • Easy-To-Maintain
  • Planaria Feed on Animal Matter
  • Water Must Be Changed After Feeding
Brown planaria are easy to maintain. They feed on animal matter such as liver and are up to 1/4" in size.

Ordering information: These products contain living or perishable materials. Please specify a delivery date.




Item # Description Orientation Stain Unit Availability Price Quantity
470177-518 Planaria (wm)
Whole mount Schneider's Each Retrieving