Eisco® Half Sized Torso Models

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AM0012 AM202AS AM0015 AM0012AFH AM0013 AM0202
470111-074EA 207.3 USD
470111-074 470212-448 470135-886 470135-920 470136-352 470136-356
Eisco® Half Sized Torso Models
Models Human Biology Models
These half size torsos are a great starter torso for any classroom. Available in three different part counts all of these models show basic human anatomy and systems. The most basic figures illustrate general structure of organs and systems and are cast with a cutaway skull exposing a cast brain. The Dissectible head version also shows more advanced head and neck structure, as well as a half brain removable from inside the skull. The most advanced version shows all of the same items as the dissectible head version and also includes a removable female insert, and shows musculature on the left side.

  • Comprehensive torso models dissect into multiple parts for detailed study
  • Designed by medical professionals and educators
  • Molded using the highest quality nontoxic polymers and PVC for durability
  • Hand-painted by skilled artists to deliver the highest level of detail possible
All versions except the muscled version are supplied as sexless.