Mobile Lab Demonstration Table

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4121KF 4121K
470107-570EA 2647.8 USD
470107-570 470008-676
Mobile Lab Demonstration Table
Furniture Tables and Workbenches
A fully equipped, locking self contained demonstration unit constructed from select oak and oak veneers with chemical resistant, earth-friendly UV finish.

  • Sturdy 1.25" thick high-pressure laminated surface with durable drop leaf extensions
  • GFI protected AC duplex electrical outlet with a 25' extension cord
  • Unbreakable aluminum sliding door glides and lock
  • Rolls on 4" heavy-duty ball-bearing swivel casters with brakes
Extended dimensions: 72×24"
Sink WxLxD: 15×13×5"
Load capacity: 500 lbs.

Certifications: SEFA compliant and MAS Certified Green.

Ordering information: Unit is also available without the sink, faucet, rod sockets and upright set.

Delivery information: The unit comes standard with a stainless steel sink, and a hand pump. Includes a 25' extension cord, two tote trays, two 2½ gallon water bottles, connection hoses, two ¾" diameter upright rods, one ½" diameter crossbar and clamps, a propane burner with stand, two adjustable shelves, two rod sockets and a full upright set.